Welcome to the sordid chronicle of my medical adventures, mishaps and triumphs with a side of assorted helpful links. Although I recently achieved that coveted clean bill of health, The Cancer Dancer will oh-so-gracefully trudge on as a means to share the personal and practical findings I continue to discover. Join me from the beginning (as the wide-eyed new patient) or join me now (as the seasoned survivor).

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Keeping up the good work!

On Friday, I took one bizarre trip to Kellogg Cancer Center. I left with just one tiny vein poke, NO nausea, and a 3-month stamp of approval. My blood work showed that everything is in (nearly) working order. My white blood cells are not quite as strong as they should be, but they're on their way back. And every sneezing, nose-picking two-year old I encounter helps the cause.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

New Updates to Health Care Reform!

On September 23, new legislation brought better assurance of coverage to Americans including young adults-an overwhelmingly under/uninsured population. Kairol Rosenthal's Everything Changes blog covers the key details here.