Welcome to the sordid chronicle of my medical adventures, mishaps and triumphs with a side of assorted helpful links. Although I recently achieved that coveted clean bill of health, The Cancer Dancer will oh-so-gracefully trudge on as a means to share the personal and practical findings I continue to discover. Join me from the beginning (as the wide-eyed new patient) or join me now (as the seasoned survivor).

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Adventures of Chemo Girl!

Her special power? In moments of sheer exhaustion, Chemo Girl surprises her fiercest foes with sudden bursts of energy: jumping in heels during a rare night out, dancing through the nausea in company class.

Every one of these startling instances is her opportunity to deliver a time bomb to these vicious invaders. Her energetic optimism is just a reminder: your days are numbered, cancer cells.

And she wears a cape.

Stay tuned! Tomorrow Chemo Girl meets her fate at the PET scan...

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