Welcome to the sordid chronicle of my medical adventures, mishaps and triumphs with a side of assorted helpful links. Although I recently achieved that coveted clean bill of health, The Cancer Dancer will oh-so-gracefully trudge on as a means to share the personal and practical findings I continue to discover. Join me from the beginning (as the wide-eyed new patient) or join me now (as the seasoned survivor).

Sunday, May 30, 2010

CONTEST ALERT!!! I like cold, fizzy beverages: an evolution

Supposedly the pharmaceutical industry has made great strides in developing drugs to curb the nausea attributed to chemotherapy. I don't care. I will put all my energy into avoiding non-mandatory medications whenever possible. (In lieu of Advil, waving my arms and legs wildly to relieve bone aches has been known to happen.) Therefore, I'm pretty much never without a fizzy beverage by my side for when the waves of nausea arrive.

And now, 12 doses behind me, I have become a serious connoisseur of the clear soda. (Colas have caffeine. Caffeine inhibits vein health.) And now a carbonated journey:

 You didn't think I was just going to lay all my nausea-combating secrets out this easily? Nope, I'm putting you all to work. Out of these six choices (Canada Dry Green Tea, Canada Dry ORIGINAL, Generic Seltzer, Whole Foods Ginger Ale, Schweppes and Topo Chico Mineral Agua) which did I turn to first but subsequently and overwhelmingly detest? What can I still stomach?  Determine the order in which these became my beverage of choice. Once a winning solution has been posted, I will provided a detailed explanation of this progression. (I know, serious incentive.)

HOW TO ENTER: In the comments section of this post, list the correct order and tell me YOUR favorite fizzy beverage.

WHAT YOU'LL WIN: Bragging rights. I don't have any advertisers to donate giveaway prizes yet. If you're so inclined I'll post your picture in a special post!


  1. The pictures have sucked me in... I'm gonna enter your contest! Okay... First of all I'm guessing that you began with Canada Dry original and got so sick of it that your favorite is now the plain sparkling water.

    So totally guessing the order, here goes: Canada Dry Original; Schweppes Original; Whole Foods ginger ale; Canada Dry Green tea; TOpo Chico Mineral Agua; Generic Seltzer.

    How'd I do? :)

    In Germany I've become partial to Schweppe's Bitter Lemon Light, largely because it's one of the only non-caffeinated diet-ish sodas around other than sparkling water; it kind of tastes like lemon-aid, but it's soda. In the US (or if I'm not bothering with diet sodas) I was always partial to 7-up over ginger ale...

    See you soon!

  2. My guess:
    YOUR fave: Topo Chico
    2: Generic Seltzer
    3: Canada Dry Original
    4: Schweppes
    5: Whole Foods Ginger Ale
    6: Canada Dry Green Tea

    MY personal fave: Canada Dry Cranberry Ginger Ale
