Welcome to the sordid chronicle of my medical adventures, mishaps and triumphs with a side of assorted helpful links. Although I recently achieved that coveted clean bill of health, The Cancer Dancer will oh-so-gracefully trudge on as a means to share the personal and practical findings I continue to discover. Join me from the beginning (as the wide-eyed new patient) or join me now (as the seasoned survivor).

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Some crucial accompaniment

More often than not, when chemo rolled around every two weeks, I wasn't eagerly hopping in the car for more blood draws, draining treatment sessions and subsequent side affects. Early on (treatment #2) I decided to create an empowering tradition to get geared up for what was inevitably in store. It is the Cancer Dancer mantra that almost nothing makes life more upbeat and hopeful than dancing to a great song.

Since including ALL 11 editions seems excessive, I'm offering a revised greatest hits playlist of Lauren and my bi-monthly jaunts to Evanston Hospital. As part of our superstitious nature, the first five songs made it onto each playlist in identical order. Each volume is titled thanks to an early treatment exclamation of triumph (Booyah!) transformed by the name of a hapless home searcher during my HDTV obsession. I present "Booyoung's Greatest Hits..."

1 comment:

  1. Very good post! I found this blog by accident but I was very moved by it's content! I am going through something "tough" as well, but my circumstances seem much less important now.

    May God bless you, I know God has a plan for everyone, and though it may seem difficult to grasp now, soon it will all become very clear! Trust him and he won't fail you!

