Welcome to the sordid chronicle of my medical adventures, mishaps and triumphs with a side of assorted helpful links. Although I recently achieved that coveted clean bill of health, The Cancer Dancer will oh-so-gracefully trudge on as a means to share the personal and practical findings I continue to discover. Join me from the beginning (as the wide-eyed new patient) or join me now (as the seasoned survivor).

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Wedding of Wigs and Wicks

So I'm hoping that you are all very slow readers. I've been immersed in wedding hoopla and can't seem to jump back in to writing about cancer. Go figure! But really, who am I helping by looking at the 37th blog filled with inspiration boards and DIY projects for a glamorous backyard shindig?

Last weekend, I was unbelievably thrilled to partake in one of my oldest and dearest friend's wedding. I was super honored that Jessie asked me to be her maid of honor and spent the last nine months obsessively asking how I could help with the planning. So when this business popped up in December, I had plenty of concerns. I wanted to participate in the same capacity but was unsure of how I would feel and (yes, I'll admit it) look. It's a moot point. Who's looking at the maid of honor? Well, I wanted to keep it that way and opted to bring along my new friend Cody for a bit of support.

I will say this: I've worn "Cody" (the blonde-choppy counterpart to my otherwise scantily clad head) maybe 7-8 times, and I still can't decide if I'm sold. For the record, Jerome Krause names their wigs, not me. I'm not sure whether anyone was fooled, but she stayed intact all night. Even through my own personal rendition of "Thriller."

(If it weren't my 4th day after chemo I swear I'd crop out the lower 
right corner of this pic. You get the idea regardless.)

 Bottom line, we all had an amazing and sentimental weekend. Certainly I could have gone without splitting my dress up the back, but I blamed the steroids and some dance floor lunges and moved on. 

In terms of feeling up to the trip, I am positive that the excitement leading up to last weekend helped me fly through the usual chemo side effects. Amidst concerns about my weakened immune system, I was prescribed a 3-day neupogen injection to boost my white count while we navigated one too many germy airports. I was nervous that the brief treatment would be painful, but I made it through with just a bit of jaw pain.

In conclusion, (it feels like time to be conclusive)...

Although this routine is getting pretty old, attending Jessie's wedding/taking a mini-vacation/discussing the sustainability of salt licks(?) in a toast to 120 people briefly made me forget that this business had ever been an issue.

1 comment:

  1. Although "Cody" technically didn't RSVP, she was a delight to have at the wedding. I do blame Cody, though, for encouraging you to do that dramatic drop to the dance floor, which in turn, split your dress. Totally not your fault! You were a wonderful MOH... thank you for being there!
