Welcome to the sordid chronicle of my medical adventures, mishaps and triumphs with a side of assorted helpful links. Although I recently achieved that coveted clean bill of health, The Cancer Dancer will oh-so-gracefully trudge on as a means to share the personal and practical findings I continue to discover. Join me from the beginning (as the wide-eyed new patient) or join me now (as the seasoned survivor).

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I've battled over the pros and cons of buying organic produce for a long time. As organics become more readily available and widely deemed safer than the pesticide-ridden alternative I considered the expense more seriously. With no real explanation for my diagnosis other than "lifestyle factors," I am determined to take more control over what I'm putting in my body. This is an ongoing process that I started in January. No more aluminum was the first step:

As the Kellogg Cancer Center dietitian put it, there is no proven scientific link between cancer risk and organic food consumption.  Since nothing except genetics and lifestyle factors can explain my little ordeal, I'm slowly making the change anyway. I found a site that prioritizes what foods should be bought organic. Check out the list here. And find out what produce is safe to buy non-organic.

Thanks to Daily Candy, I also discovered The Organic Pharmacy: a site that lists carcinogenic chemicals found in many body care products. Can't wait to go through my arsenal of a make-up bag with that list. Or can I...

1 comment:

  1. Toms! I used to use one from them and it was orange scented I think
